Monday 9 July 2012

Hunger Games Chapter 4!

Chapter 4 Summary

Kat and Peeta watch Haymitch on the ground, and silently decide to clean him up. They haul him to his room and stick him in the shower, and Kat leaves and lets Peeta do the rest. Kat goes back to her room and decides she can’t have anything else to do with Peeta since he will be her enemy shortly. She tosses the cookies his father gave her out the window and lands in dandelions, which remind her of what Peeta did to save her. She remembers picking dandelions with Prim and gathering other plants to eat after school, as well as her first time hunting in the woods-the woods that saved their lives. Her mother began coming out of her depression and started the apothecary again, and Kat began trading using the information her father had taught her. One day Kat found Katniss tubers-the plant she was named for and brought them home. As Kat’s mother began becoming herself again, but Kat never fully trusted her after that.

So far the chapter is good but in the chapter it is quite slow, nothing interesting really happens.
Hope to see it pick up more action as the book goes along!

Friday 29 June 2012

The Hunger Games!

Hi it’s Jesus,

Currently I am reading The Hunger Games, The Hunger Games is a book by Suzanne Collins, there is 3 books in the series, so far it has been made into a very successful film. So far I am at chapter 3 of the book and it is already getting into the action.

The Hunger Game stakes place in a nation known as Panem, established on the continent of North America after the destruction of the continent's civilization by an unknown apocalyptic event. The nation consists of a wealthy Capitol and twelve surrounding, poorer districts united under the Capitol's Hegemony. District 12, where the book begins, is located in the coal-rich region that was formerly known as Appalachia. As punishment for a previous rebellion against the Capitol in which a 13th district was destroyed, one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each district are selected by an annual lottery to participate in the Hunger Games, an event in which the participants must fight in an outdoor arena controlled by the Capitol, until only one individual remains.

If you like a great book that gets straight into the action then ‘The Hunger Games’ is the one for you!

King Bloggers Reading

Reading, I hated it when I was younger, I couldn’t think of anything worse to do! But now I am just starting to get into it, it has taken me ages to find a great book, a book that I can get into, and a book that gets right into the action. Finally I found that book I was looking for ‘The Hunger Games’ it is really quick in getting to the action, so if you are like me, I would recommend to give it a try!
When I read it has to be quiet and comfortable, I can easily get distracted by the TV or my phone, which is why I sit in my room where I do not have a TV and I leave my Phone downstairs. My Yr. 7 Teacher always use to make us read, and if we didn’t she would give us a detention; we used to read most of the lesson around 30 minutes.