Friday 29 June 2012

King Bloggers Reading

Reading, I hated it when I was younger, I couldn’t think of anything worse to do! But now I am just starting to get into it, it has taken me ages to find a great book, a book that I can get into, and a book that gets right into the action. Finally I found that book I was looking for ‘The Hunger Games’ it is really quick in getting to the action, so if you are like me, I would recommend to give it a try!
When I read it has to be quiet and comfortable, I can easily get distracted by the TV or my phone, which is why I sit in my room where I do not have a TV and I leave my Phone downstairs. My Yr. 7 Teacher always use to make us read, and if we didn’t she would give us a detention; we used to read most of the lesson around 30 minutes.

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